
We are excited to have you start your ascent towards DevMountain. Before class starts, there are a few things to know that will help you get set up for success come your first day of class.

Below are three sections, Developer Environment, HTML & CSS, and JavaScript. Work through each section and build a strong foundation of knowledge for your time at DevMountain. There is a saying we love here and it is "You cannot be prepared enough." Working through each section will make sure that you are prepared for the first day of class and have you ready to hit the ground running.

Again, we are so jazzed to have you start your journey towards becoming a web developer and we look forward to seeing you on day one!

With Love,


Developer Environment

Setting up your laptop is crucial to getting you up and running as a developer. Read through this section to help you get set up with a text editor, setting up a GitHub profile and a file organization pattern that will set you up for success during your time at DevMountain and beyond.


HTML & CSS are the stucture and style of your page. Think of HTML like the walls, foundation and roof of your home. CSS is the color of the house, the placement of the windows and front door style. Go through these videos and readings to get yoursel familiar with HTML & CSS.


Whether you are building a news, sports or blog website, JavaScript is crucial to making your site. This section will introduce you to the foundational topics of JavaScript and have you primed and ready to go come day one at DevMountain.